Friday, October 28, 2005


My day was going okay, I did nothing bad, nothing to bring bad karma on myself, yet nonetheless bad karma came upon me... crap :( I went to hockey tonight, as I have the last two thursday nights, went inside, played, showered, came back out, looked at my car... started thinking, what the fuck is that on the ground next to my car, followed by the realisation "fuck, that's my window!"

Basically it seems that while I was playing hockey, some group of little cunts have come along, seen the car, decided there must be something valuable in there, and threw a rock through the window.... CUNTS! They didn't get much, but as you'll see from the photos, there was fucking glass everywhere. What did they get, oh, dammit, i just realised what they got, they got my fucking NIN live CD (and all that could of been), my copy of the downward spiral (also NIN), a regurtitator CD (there were two, they only stole one...unit, they left art) and the cover for Aenima which was in the cd player at the time. I found the rock on the floor in the back of the car, a piece of rail ballast ironically (is it really ironic though? that I work on railway investigations and a piece of railway ballast was thrown through my window?). Luckily one of the guys had a dustpan and broom in his car (work car) so I was able to use that to clean the copious amounts of broken glass off my seat so I could drive home. They also stole a bit of small change, but amusingly they didn't get all of it... must have been in a rush. I find it odd there was so much glass considering I have tinted windows and the tinting is on the inside, and therefore should have prevented it spraying everywhere.

So yeah, it's more of an inconvenience than anything. It's not much to replace, and the vehicle is insured. It's just bloody rude though. It's ruined my day tomorrow cause I'm going to have to wait for a window repair person to come out. There's a train line (freight not passenger) that runs past the back of the rink, chances are that whomever did this probably came from along there and over the fence. Maybe I won't play hockey next week, maybe i'll hide out and see if I can't spot them. Apparently this sort of thing happens at the rink a lot. I've never been aware of it... wish I was, probably wouldn't have helped though. Guess I should get an alarm put on the car :( Oh yeah, and you'll notice jelly beans on one of the seats.... there was a big bag of them.... strangely they didn't take them.

okay, well ummm, blogger won't let me upload photos for some reason so I'll have to try again later.


Blogger Maja said...

FUCKING CUNTS ALRIGHT! When's your next hockey game? Maybe I'll come and camp out with ya. Those little shits deserve a decking each. Wankers!

10/28/2005 08:10:00 am  
Blogger sarah said...

oh no! that's fucking horrible!

little asshole eating cocksucking motherfuckers!

i would suggest checking the rock for fingerprints, but they're probably kids and don't even have a record going.

:o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o(

10/28/2005 10:45:00 am  
Blogger Valdi said...

Maja: They do deserve a decking... I say we take their balls :)

Sarah: They are most likely kids, so the even if i were to catch them the cops wouldn't do squat. They just need a good beating to discourage them from doing it again.

Helen: Yeah I don't think any cars have alarms as standard except maybe HSV's and FPV's but even then I'm not sure. They do make them very hard to steal though. The tinting makes the window pretty strong, they runined the whole window mechanism getting it out. It all got replaced yesterday. Two new front windows, re tinted, and a new window mechanism on the passenger side.

10/29/2005 09:08:00 am  
Blogger sarah said...

i'm so sorry Valdi. that's completely crappy.

10/30/2005 01:48:00 am  

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