Planes, Trains and Automobiles
I'm finally back and posting :) And for now it is quite possible I will be updating more regularly for a while. I seem to be having trouble with the english language though so bear with me.... I'm slightly hungover. As you can see from the pic below, updating my blog was high on my list of priorities for the day, beating such things as showering and putting on pants :)

So yeah, anyways, I've been out in the field busily mapping away. Saw a few things one wouldn't expect to see in the Pilbara.... Saw a fighter jet, on his own, flying just a few hundred meters of the ground.... very bizarre. Also saw camels, which are uncommon in rocky areas... they ran when they saw us coming so I didn't get any good photos.

trains are so photogenic.... just after I took this photo the fucker honked at me... scared the hell out me (it's a very loud horn).

Our poor mapping vehicle took quite a beating from all the driving through the bush, and I mean THROUGH the bush :) Sometimes the bush fought back.

This gully crossing proved too much for the old girl... ended up having to back out and go around :( It doesn't look that bad, but we were actually stuck when I took these photos. We had to jam some tree branches under the wheels to get traction.

A view out of the windscreen just before a big dropoff...scary :) This was far as we went.

Tell you what though, the toyota landcruiser is a bloody good vehicle, it stood up to the punishment we gave it really well. We celebrated by taking stupid pictures :)

There are some rather large lizards around the Pilbara. This bad boy is called a Bungarra I believe. I think he was somewhere in the range of 1.5 to 2 meters long, wouldn't want him running up me that's for sure. those are some nast looking claws. Luckily he hadn't warmed up when we came across him so he wasn't moving around too quickly.

At the end of the day there's nothing better than having a beer and watching the sunset :)

Random plant pic.

Random pic of me.

So what else has been going on.... well I have no idea. I'll think what I've done a post again later :) I drank 10 pints of various german beers last night at oktoberfest (the curtin universty version), so I'm a little hazy right now. I assume I must be sober by now, but I'm not sure that I was when I woke up this morning :)
I took yesterday off, and went for a surf in the morning. I'm not sure when I last went for a surf but it was quite a while ago. It was really good, I have to start going regularly again I think. The waves weren't great but they weren't bad either, and it was a really nice day so it was all good. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so no time :) There were a couple of helicopters about, and they kept hovering low over the ocean in the area I was surfing, it was a little disconcerting, cause you have to wonder why they're hovering. This is why. I was at a beach a bit further up the coast, both helicopters I saw were television station choppers, must've been getting footage for the story or something. I only found out last night that it was a shark sighting. My dad rang me while I was out last night, I couldn't hear him at all cause it was too loud so i just said I was fine and hung up... he was ringing to make sure I was fine having heard about the shark... I was.
I think last post I mentioned an incident that required me to change my clothes :) Well, the story is, I was sitting on a picnic bench type thing at the wet mess with my boss. I was leaning back to take a photo of some sort, keeping myself up by having my legs hooked under the boss in all his wisdom decided he'd lean back too. WE WERE ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE TABLE. Needless to say we ended up wearing our respective glasses of wine....I was not impressed. It was pretty funny though :) I leave you with a pic of the damage :D

I think it's time to shower and put on some pants :)

So yeah, anyways, I've been out in the field busily mapping away. Saw a few things one wouldn't expect to see in the Pilbara.... Saw a fighter jet, on his own, flying just a few hundred meters of the ground.... very bizarre. Also saw camels, which are uncommon in rocky areas... they ran when they saw us coming so I didn't get any good photos.

trains are so photogenic.... just after I took this photo the fucker honked at me... scared the hell out me (it's a very loud horn).

Our poor mapping vehicle took quite a beating from all the driving through the bush, and I mean THROUGH the bush :) Sometimes the bush fought back.

This gully crossing proved too much for the old girl... ended up having to back out and go around :( It doesn't look that bad, but we were actually stuck when I took these photos. We had to jam some tree branches under the wheels to get traction.

A view out of the windscreen just before a big dropoff...scary :) This was far as we went.

Tell you what though, the toyota landcruiser is a bloody good vehicle, it stood up to the punishment we gave it really well. We celebrated by taking stupid pictures :)

There are some rather large lizards around the Pilbara. This bad boy is called a Bungarra I believe. I think he was somewhere in the range of 1.5 to 2 meters long, wouldn't want him running up me that's for sure. those are some nast looking claws. Luckily he hadn't warmed up when we came across him so he wasn't moving around too quickly.

At the end of the day there's nothing better than having a beer and watching the sunset :)

Random plant pic.

Random pic of me.

So what else has been going on.... well I have no idea. I'll think what I've done a post again later :) I drank 10 pints of various german beers last night at oktoberfest (the curtin universty version), so I'm a little hazy right now. I assume I must be sober by now, but I'm not sure that I was when I woke up this morning :)
I took yesterday off, and went for a surf in the morning. I'm not sure when I last went for a surf but it was quite a while ago. It was really good, I have to start going regularly again I think. The waves weren't great but they weren't bad either, and it was a really nice day so it was all good. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so no time :) There were a couple of helicopters about, and they kept hovering low over the ocean in the area I was surfing, it was a little disconcerting, cause you have to wonder why they're hovering. This is why. I was at a beach a bit further up the coast, both helicopters I saw were television station choppers, must've been getting footage for the story or something. I only found out last night that it was a shark sighting. My dad rang me while I was out last night, I couldn't hear him at all cause it was too loud so i just said I was fine and hung up... he was ringing to make sure I was fine having heard about the shark... I was.
I think last post I mentioned an incident that required me to change my clothes :) Well, the story is, I was sitting on a picnic bench type thing at the wet mess with my boss. I was leaning back to take a photo of some sort, keeping myself up by having my legs hooked under the boss in all his wisdom decided he'd lean back too. WE WERE ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE TABLE. Needless to say we ended up wearing our respective glasses of wine....I was not impressed. It was pretty funny though :) I leave you with a pic of the damage :D

I think it's time to shower and put on some pants :)
I really don't think it's safe to drive with your leg sticking out the door.
Yeah, there was a guy with one leg hopping around trying to tell me the same thing but what would he know, guy only has one leg :)
I see the bungarra was shedding...
1. Those lizards are freaking me out. BLECH.
nay to pantaloons! i think youll find thats a race horse goanna.
cos im all knowledgeable about the bush n shit.
twas good to see you on break curly.i rather enjoyed the arvo in our garden.talkin and shit.
i didnt enjoy seeing the huge turd come out of rosies arse though just before dinner!rayner got all embarassed!
good times.
great photos, that lizard looks like it could slap the living hell out of someone with it's tail.
the eye photo:
i think you should seriously consider printing it out and framing it. it's THAT freakin' cool.
did it happen by accident or did you plan it that way. the sunset in the pupil is stunning.
shark sighting on that beach! Tsk tsk!
Hey Dude,
I had to change my blog URL cause IT guy found it and banned mine and Geezer's on the web filter. I don't want him reading it!
It's now cuncecuncecunce.
i gotta new URL.
charming i know.....
sexypants' is now shes having trouble with 'snooping' I.T. people...
Cece: Yeah pants are over rated, but my legs are pretty darn white these days (unlike my arms) so I feel obliged to cover them up in public :) Hmmm, actually that's not true, but it can get a little cold without pants :)
Geezer: good seeing you too bro... glad I wasn't there for rosies poo :)
Sarah: Yeah, taking the photos of that lizard was pretty disconcerting, especially the one from in front of it. The photo of my eye was kind of a planned accident. When I took the photo of the top of the beer bottle I realised that my camera could focus really close so I decided to see if I could get a good shot of my eye, looked at it and saw the sunset reflection, and then tried to get a good shot of sunset reflection. I actually cropped the original pic to be just the eye, but it was already quite close in.
RHSP: yeah, it's never a good thing, apparently it circled a dinghy and then bumped it so it's pretty scary really, but luckily I was a few k's up the coast and there were helicopters on the lookout for it so I think I was pretty safe. Some guy got attacked at the same beach this last one was spotted at a few years back, by a freakin great white. I'm pretty sure they buried a whale near that beach once and although they may have exumed it I think the sharks can still smell it. Kinda makes ya think twice about swimming there!
maja: Cunce indeed!
pants are overrated anyhow.
and i'm all about those happy accidents. that eye shot is stunning. don't you just love macro mode??
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