Thursday, March 23, 2006

They put weird shit on water bottles

Sure is handy having the ability to email posts from work :)

Anyway, I was drinking tap water out of a water bottle I bought a
while back, when I noticed once again the stupid shit it says on the
side. It goes like this:

"You're doing stuff. You get thirsty. You need pump pure water. Pop
the top to get the refreshing hit you need when you're on the go. Get
moving. Get pump."

Now I don't know about you, but I really don't think having that there
sells more water, or serves any purpose whatsoever other than to make
the reader wonder why they put it there. Perhaps I should ring the
consumer information hotline to ask them why it's there :)


Blogger Maja said...

I guess they're trying to make it cool. I just buy those bottles because they're easier to drink out of.

I've got a massive headache today, I thought it was dehydration, but one gastrolyte hasn't done the trick. Hopefully the second one will work.

3/24/2006 07:57:00 am  

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