So what have I been up to these past few weeks?
Having had my rant and a couple imported beers I'm starting to feel better :) Unfortunately, without lemon, my imported beers were starting to taste funny. I've now ventured out into the street, theived a lemon from a nearby neighbor's tree and
am ready for my usual photoblog :)
So yeah, what have I been up to. Well this weekend just gone I went to a 21st at an agricultural college about 3 hours from my house. This was fun, but I have no photos. The next day however my girlfriend and I went down to her parents house, which is only an hour from where the party was (only?) and on the way stopped to do a bit of circle work. Even took a photo :)

Oh yeah, I didn't get a new car, it's my girlfriends ute in the photo :)
On the way to her parents place we stopped at a town called Waigin (I think that was the name anyway) who have jumped on the "big" something bandwagon, and whose claim to fame is the "big ram". It is quite big, and judging by the signage it may like to eat dogs every now and again.

I have to say, these beers are tasting much better with lemon... shame I don't have a lime tree really. Anyway, this is a good shot of the ram itself.

Amusingly, despite being the "big ram", I think it's better known for it's giant ballsack :)

It's been a really long time since I last posted (other than the immediately previous post) so I've just realised I didn't post anything about my first trip to the girlfriend's parents place. 2 weeks previous to the weekend just gone I went down to my gf's parents place to meet them for the first time. This was a 4 hour trip I think... maybe 3.5. Oh, and that's the time it takes at the speed limit, I'm sure it would be marginally quicker if I was speeding, but I find it's generally cheaper to stay on the speed limit :)
Anyway, her parents are really nice so the trip was all good.... photo time.
They had a little baby chicken which was cute enough to warrant a photo. It seems they even have a incubator to hatch them. Not sure why they don't leave them with the chicken, probably so they can collect the eggs and just hatch as many chickens as they see fit. None of the others in the incubator had hatched though... weird.

They also had a couple of lambs...apparently there are two times at which the ewes can fall pregnant, and one is later than the other. This and the other lamb were from the latter impregnation, and therefore born later. I bottle fed one of them.... greedy little fuckers. I have a photo of me feeding them but it's on my girlfriends camera so maybe I'll stick it on a later post some time. So yeah, lamb number one:

Went horse riding while we were there too. I haven't been horse riding in probably more than 10 years, and this horse hadn't been ridden for about 6 months so all in all it equated to a recipe for disaster. Kristen (my gf...she has a name... it isn't Robert Paulson) said she got scared every time my horse started cantering as she thought I'd fall off. I was of the opinion that having ridden a horse before it was all old hat, and like riding a bike. I had fun... and a sore ass at the end of it, but as far as sore asses go I'd rather have it from riding a horse than being ridden by one :)

This is a nice photo of Kristen riding a horse. I didn't really take many photos while riding the horse as it was a little hard to control one handed while taking a photo. Good fun though.... I'll have to do it again some time soon :)

Australia day was a week ago. The last few years I've spent Australia day at my best friend's parents house drinking and swimming and being exceptionally intoxicated by 6pm. This year however he was in England. I was supposed to be working up North, but came back a day early and spent it with some mates down the foreshore. Oh, for my non Australian readers, Australia Day is pretty much our equivalent of the 4th of July, only we unfortunately are not independent of the Poms (English).
Hmmm, a guy from foxtel (Australian pay TV/cable) just came round. Good guy, he knew Tool (I was listening to Aenima really loud at the time) and almost the first thing he said to me was to turn it back on (I paused it to answer the door) so I took an instant liking to him. We discussed foxtel pricing over a beer (I was nice enough to offer him one.... better than drinking alone) and am now seriously considering it. It costs a bit but it's not like I can't afford it, and although I've always said I wouldn't get it cause I don't watch TV, I must admit that I don't watch TV cause there's nothing on. So yeah... I'm thinking about it... I wasn't so drunk that I signed up... I told him that I would think it over properly when I was sober. He wasn't pushy, which was good :) I'm no half way through my 6th beer... I should probably make/eat some dinner at some point :)
Anyway... Australia Day Photos..
Have I mentioned how much Tool rocks? I love cranking up a bit of Tool... it, is, excellent :) I'm listening to (accidentally just published my blog via random accidental keystroke) Salival at the moment :)
back to the matter at hand... again:
This is the exceptional marquee my friends and I erected on the foreshore for Australia Day. Truly the best to be seen, and definitely the most Australian.

The master of Australiana, Reece and Trent. These two brothers are true Australians, and I am proud to be their friend :)

Janet, Chris and Reece went for a swim in the river. Cleverly they kept their heads above water. I suspect this "dip" saved them a trip to the bathroom :)

My guess is I was saying something in this photo :) Like the shirt? We all had matching shirts... the "crack a tinnie tribe". Very cool :) Everyone's shirt had their name on the back as well which is pretty cool... and the southern cross (the stars on the aussie flag).

A nice shot of the marquee with the city skyline in the background :) Perth is quite picturesque really :)

As you can see, by late afternoon the foreshore was quite crowded :)

This was a spur of the moment photo. This guy Trav had an Aussie flag tied to himself as a cape, and just happened to be standing next to me when the wind and sun were just right. This awesome photo was the result. It shall hereby be titled 'Captain Australia' :)

A bunch of us posing with the marquee. To be honest, I have no idea who took this photo, as I am in it :) It was one of the chicks, I probably don't know who cause I don't actually know her :)

There were fireworks, but due to a sunstroke induced headache and a complete lack of headache tablets amongst our crew I bailed (left) before they were on. To be honest, I could give two shits about the fireworks, they're the same every year, and I haven't been to see them for a number of years. Maybe next year... might even try get some photos of them :)
And so concludes the catch up blog entry. I'll try not to take so long to update next time :) Oh, and a special, sincerest apology goes out to Brad and Helen, whom I expect may have been made homesick by the latter photos in this blog :)
am ready for my usual photoblog :)
So yeah, what have I been up to. Well this weekend just gone I went to a 21st at an agricultural college about 3 hours from my house. This was fun, but I have no photos. The next day however my girlfriend and I went down to her parents house, which is only an hour from where the party was (only?) and on the way stopped to do a bit of circle work. Even took a photo :)

Oh yeah, I didn't get a new car, it's my girlfriends ute in the photo :)
On the way to her parents place we stopped at a town called Waigin (I think that was the name anyway) who have jumped on the "big" something bandwagon, and whose claim to fame is the "big ram". It is quite big, and judging by the signage it may like to eat dogs every now and again.

I have to say, these beers are tasting much better with lemon... shame I don't have a lime tree really. Anyway, this is a good shot of the ram itself.

Amusingly, despite being the "big ram", I think it's better known for it's giant ballsack :)

It's been a really long time since I last posted (other than the immediately previous post) so I've just realised I didn't post anything about my first trip to the girlfriend's parents place. 2 weeks previous to the weekend just gone I went down to my gf's parents place to meet them for the first time. This was a 4 hour trip I think... maybe 3.5. Oh, and that's the time it takes at the speed limit, I'm sure it would be marginally quicker if I was speeding, but I find it's generally cheaper to stay on the speed limit :)
Anyway, her parents are really nice so the trip was all good.... photo time.
They had a little baby chicken which was cute enough to warrant a photo. It seems they even have a incubator to hatch them. Not sure why they don't leave them with the chicken, probably so they can collect the eggs and just hatch as many chickens as they see fit. None of the others in the incubator had hatched though... weird.

They also had a couple of lambs...apparently there are two times at which the ewes can fall pregnant, and one is later than the other. This and the other lamb were from the latter impregnation, and therefore born later. I bottle fed one of them.... greedy little fuckers. I have a photo of me feeding them but it's on my girlfriends camera so maybe I'll stick it on a later post some time. So yeah, lamb number one:

Went horse riding while we were there too. I haven't been horse riding in probably more than 10 years, and this horse hadn't been ridden for about 6 months so all in all it equated to a recipe for disaster. Kristen (my gf...she has a name... it isn't Robert Paulson) said she got scared every time my horse started cantering as she thought I'd fall off. I was of the opinion that having ridden a horse before it was all old hat, and like riding a bike. I had fun... and a sore ass at the end of it, but as far as sore asses go I'd rather have it from riding a horse than being ridden by one :)

This is a nice photo of Kristen riding a horse. I didn't really take many photos while riding the horse as it was a little hard to control one handed while taking a photo. Good fun though.... I'll have to do it again some time soon :)

Australia day was a week ago. The last few years I've spent Australia day at my best friend's parents house drinking and swimming and being exceptionally intoxicated by 6pm. This year however he was in England. I was supposed to be working up North, but came back a day early and spent it with some mates down the foreshore. Oh, for my non Australian readers, Australia Day is pretty much our equivalent of the 4th of July, only we unfortunately are not independent of the Poms (English).
Hmmm, a guy from foxtel (Australian pay TV/cable) just came round. Good guy, he knew Tool (I was listening to Aenima really loud at the time) and almost the first thing he said to me was to turn it back on (I paused it to answer the door) so I took an instant liking to him. We discussed foxtel pricing over a beer (I was nice enough to offer him one.... better than drinking alone) and am now seriously considering it. It costs a bit but it's not like I can't afford it, and although I've always said I wouldn't get it cause I don't watch TV, I must admit that I don't watch TV cause there's nothing on. So yeah... I'm thinking about it... I wasn't so drunk that I signed up... I told him that I would think it over properly when I was sober. He wasn't pushy, which was good :) I'm no half way through my 6th beer... I should probably make/eat some dinner at some point :)
Anyway... Australia Day Photos..
Have I mentioned how much Tool rocks? I love cranking up a bit of Tool... it, is, excellent :) I'm listening to (accidentally just published my blog via random accidental keystroke) Salival at the moment :)
back to the matter at hand... again:
This is the exceptional marquee my friends and I erected on the foreshore for Australia Day. Truly the best to be seen, and definitely the most Australian.

The master of Australiana, Reece and Trent. These two brothers are true Australians, and I am proud to be their friend :)

Janet, Chris and Reece went for a swim in the river. Cleverly they kept their heads above water. I suspect this "dip" saved them a trip to the bathroom :)

My guess is I was saying something in this photo :) Like the shirt? We all had matching shirts... the "crack a tinnie tribe". Very cool :) Everyone's shirt had their name on the back as well which is pretty cool... and the southern cross (the stars on the aussie flag).

A nice shot of the marquee with the city skyline in the background :) Perth is quite picturesque really :)

As you can see, by late afternoon the foreshore was quite crowded :)

This was a spur of the moment photo. This guy Trav had an Aussie flag tied to himself as a cape, and just happened to be standing next to me when the wind and sun were just right. This awesome photo was the result. It shall hereby be titled 'Captain Australia' :)

A bunch of us posing with the marquee. To be honest, I have no idea who took this photo, as I am in it :) It was one of the chicks, I probably don't know who cause I don't actually know her :)

There were fireworks, but due to a sunstroke induced headache and a complete lack of headache tablets amongst our crew I bailed (left) before they were on. To be honest, I could give two shits about the fireworks, they're the same every year, and I haven't been to see them for a number of years. Maybe next year... might even try get some photos of them :)
And so concludes the catch up blog entry. I'll try not to take so long to update next time :) Oh, and a special, sincerest apology goes out to Brad and Helen, whom I expect may have been made homesick by the latter photos in this blog :)
That is a truly exceptional marquee! Very aussie. Dude, maybe you should start carrying headache tablets around with you, cause you get them a lot! Or you could drink more water, you gaylord.
Brad: That wouldn't be australia day, that'd be Valdi day :)
Maja: I probably should carry headache tablets, or not wear hats. I do drink water :)
nice.. a good time was had by all.
a lot of times.. people raise chicks from an incubator instead of letting the hens raise them because:
you get nicer chickens (because you can warp the chicks)
your chickens aren't tied up production wise.
and those are some might big balls.
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