My best friend gets back to-day... do da, do da.

My best friend gets back from the UK tonight at 18:40. I can't wait. He's been gone since early february and will be back for just over a month. As you can see from the above pic I have prepared myself for his arrival. You can't quite tell but there's 2 cartons of beer in my fridge... should last till tomorrow night I think :)
I'm not sure when I will be able to update my blog again, but I will soon.... eventually :)
Haha, I see you have VB there for Brad ;)
I noticed the water - who on earth is that for???
The coke I understand as a mixer...
Maja: It was there for brad, I had some and wished I hadn't the next day :)
Sigga: Water is for the morning :) and Occasionally I like to drink it, saves red blood cell problems in later life apparently, something I feel wary about these days.
Corinna: There is room for more beer, but I'd drunk some before I took this photo :)
Sarah: It is good, but Beez Neez is also pretty awesome, which is the other non green beer in the fridge :)
apparently it's Gin piss in the UK, and partly hallucinogenic. Guess we get different stuff.
i love stella too! dude,we wanna play with brads beard n shit and root him too!
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