We are the champions...
...of our shitty little Australian ice hockey league. Well not quite, but we just played the team that was a very close second to us, and whooped their arse 6-1. Amusingly the top 4 goal scorers in the Senior A league are in our team, and tonight they further solidified their positions as the top 4, though I think the order changed. I of course, have not a single point to my name...ahhh, the unglorified position of defense. If only they kept a record of plus minus here, oh well. There's two games left in the season and then the semi finals and then the grand final. I wonder what I will do with all my new found spare time when the season finishes....hmmm, work away no doubt.
Alrighty....piccie time :)
First up we have a picture of my desk at work...but I think I'll save that for when I explain what I do. Instead it's a random picture of me...what do you reckon, hot or not?

hmmm, I'm on my main computer and most of pics are on other computers (my laptop and P3) so I will post more later. Now I must shower and go to bed.
Alrighty....piccie time :)
First up we have a picture of my desk at work...but I think I'll save that for when I explain what I do. Instead it's a random picture of me...what do you reckon, hot or not?

hmmm, I'm on my main computer and most of pics are on other computers (my laptop and P3) so I will post more later. Now I must shower and go to bed.
You look freakishly tall ;)
I'm so and so centimeters kimberly :) Thanks though, so thus far we have one vote for hot, and one vote for freakishly tall.
I do look a bit freakishly tall in that photo, I thinks it's the perspective.
I gotta go away for work this arvo (monday). It's just a short trip, come back wednesday night about 9pm.
Hot. Yes indeed.
Between you and me.
Hot. ;)
WTF?? Is that comment spam???
freak or tall or freakishly tall.
yes.. you look like a tall lanky sexy icelandic glass of water.
ya leggy bastard.
Comment Spam has been removed, who are these people doing this??? Oh well, they're gone now...I'll leave maja's comment to them to remind us all of the evils that once existed here :D
Helen: Thanks :) They're not your boxes though, they're mine, you may recall I've had them for many years, or at least Brad may :)
Thanks Brad :D My boxes foolio, I had some so I didn't want yours remember? :P
Cece, I was inspired by that nice piece of ass on your site :D Who knows, maybe I'll make a HNT post tomorrow :D MAYBE.
Jess: Hi! :) Thanks for coming. There are plenty more pics around the blog world, on either mine, my sisters or her bf's blog. I'll come visit yer blog soon, gave a quick flick but thought i'd read it better when I hadn't had a 15 hour day, 2.5 hours of which was spent on a plane. (blog explanation comes tomorrow)
Maja: Yeah, you tell em sista. (even though your comment makes no sense since I deleted the random comments)
Thanks for the advice hel. Done and done, should I delete maja's comment so it doesn't look like she's being mean to that nice jess girl?
Sarah, I may well be all three :D hehehe, you said I'm sexy *blush*
Kimberly: Glad you liked them :D I'll have to send you other stuff at some point.
eau de hockey is definately not good, and hard to get off no less. My home rink is totally gay and the showers rarely have hot water so I can't usually shower till I get home :(
hehehe, super hot, hmmm, that may just puch me over the edge to make a HNT entry :D
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