Drink Up

My cousins Linda and Carly gave me this bottle of Mezcal for my birthday. Luckily I wasn't silly enough to drink it saturday night, or else I would not have faired well sunday morning. Can you see the worms? yes worms, not one but two.
In other news...
I played superleague on sunday, nearly got killed... not by another player, but by the god damn rink! I was skating along the boards behind the goal when suddenly my helmet caught on the nets (The rink I was playing at has nets instead of glass...very dangerous if you ask me) and I found myself suddenly being yanked by the helmet while my legs kept going, flying up in the air until my facecage ripped up my face and the helmet came off, sending me hurtling back to earth. One of the guys said he thought I'd been knocked out cause I was just staring up into the sky briefly... I was looking for my helmet hanging from the net, but it had fallen down just after me. I put it back on and kept skating before our couch suggested I get off the ice and fix my helmet... it was a good plan. We lost 4-2.
Last night was senior A, no random accidents there, we played at the other rink. We were short players, and only had 4 forwards, but had 4 defense as well (for the uninformed your standard 'line' in ice hockey consists of 2 defense and 3 forwards, and ideally you have at least 2 lines), so I got to play forward. Unfortunately I didn't get any goals, but we won 4-3 so all was good :) This is what the website had to say:
Senior A
The Battle for the top position is as close as it gets with the RedHawks and Patriots equal on points but the Redhawks are holding on by percentage.
WHOAH. Are you okay?!
That sounds like something that could have caused an injury!
Yeah I'm fine thanks Cece, luckily the straps on my helmet gave way enough for the helmet to come off. I thought I was bleeding at first cause I could taste blood but there was none, go figure. It could have caused an injury, that rink is shithouse. We only have two rinks in Perth, and they're both shit, i'll have to take photos I think at some point.
Corinna, you're welcome for the link :) I finally got around to updating them :) I love playing hockey... I had 3 years off I think due to a nasty shoulder injury (I'll post the story sometime) and totally missed it. One of the photos from my bday has my stick in the background... I need to get a new one as mine has way too much flex in it now.. It's heading towards 10 years old!
hahaha, kimberly, i don't speak spanish...translation???
we were at the same graduation? far out! hope you're ok from the fall btw. great blog btw :)
dude,that bottle looks like a large butt plug.mine to be exact.
rosieposie: thanks :)
Brad: blow me!
Kimberly: I see, well stop by for a drink anytime :) It's only what, a 12 hour flight? :)
Geezer: mezcal escobar is not a suppository!
I think you should save a shot of that stuff for me ;)
Remember the last time you drank tequila in Iceland??? Andres came over last night - göngur are starting on the first weekend in September - want us to save a horse for you?
Kimberly, 28 hours... is that all? hehehe shoes might help, they might think you were a terrorist if you went into the airport with no shoes :)
Maja, I'll save you a shot.
Sigga, you probably should have specidied you were talking to maja, I don't think I was drinking tequila when I was 6 :)
Thanks Danica :)
True Valdi, realised after I had posted that I was posting on your journal to something maja had said - ah well... its got something to do with age, alcohol and short term memory - like who am I, where am I and why am I doing this.....
Hope you feel better soon.
Sigga, I have the same problem, only I'm a lot younger, Doh!
I have noticed brad, they are very strange, i just run my cursor over their blog link and see where it goes, and it always seeems to go to the same place. It is random, I'm telling ya man, it's the new spam. The funny thing is if you go to these peoples blogs and read the comments, apparently not everyone realises it's spam and they think these people are for real... maybe they are, who knows, but personally I think I'll stay away nonetheless :)
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