My laptop is giving me the shits...It's a bit too slow for some things, like the texture analysis filter I just tried to run on an orthophoto I'm doing an interp on. It just occurred to me to cancel the filter seeing as it's not going to produce anything useful anyway. My boss has been asking me if I want a desktop computer to use in the office. I said I wasn't overly worried but I think it might be better for when I'm doing this sort of stuff, as it would handle it both better and faster. Guess I should start spec'ing one up. I'll build it myself (that doesn't mean I'll pay for it), otherwise i'll be stuck with some Dell piece of crap. I hate Dell, I had one at my old work, it was (along with most stuff they make) a PIECE OF CRAP. I think for now though... lunch will be the go :)
yeah I hear their laptops aren't too bad...still wouldn't buy one though :)
I was wondering what happenned to it Kimberly :)
Not nerd, geek. A geek is like a nerd but has social skills :)
what about emachines? i've been eyeing one..
i don't think i'll ever get another laptop. i've had ROTTEN luck with my toshiba.
I don't know what ab emachine is. Toshiba's can be a bit tempramental. I use a HP Compaq NX7010 notebook for work.... It doesn't give me any trouble. I find it to be a pretty good machine.
Huh? What language you speaky?!
hehehe, I was going to include a glossary with this post but decided that would just be odd, and would end up longer than the post :)
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