Internet Radio Rocks!!
I decided to do a little searching for music I like and found some pretty good internet radio thingies. I'm currently listening to IPM or something, not sure what it is but it's all goth/industrial type stuff. Not quite what you'd probably think that music sounds like, but I'm really enjoying it :) I'd link it but I have no idea what the website actually is and i've closed the window... oh well. Good old address bar has given me the link, you can listen for yourself here. Of course if you don't have broadband it probably isn't a good idea.
Eddie thinks it's sweet, see his face... he's exxxxstatic! I was gonna make this my new avatar thingy but decided to use it here instead.
Eddie thinks it's sweet, see his face... he's exxxxstatic! I was gonna make this my new avatar thingy but decided to use it here instead.

yeah it's variable music, but pretty cool. Kinda ambient, good saturday night music.
No it's not cool, it's way nerdy :)
Hmm, I'm going to try to slow down everyone's internet here and listen to it.
it didn't work.
It's kinda like mixup really. Some of it is totally non industrial gayness, but it's like a 7 hour program so I just skip the shit tracks, as best you can from streaming media.
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