Friday, July 01, 2005


Well I'm back out at the turd (TRRD) project, and have been for a couple days now, hmmm, what day is it, friday I think. I got up here monday evening, so I guess that's 4 nights. Time flies when you're working like a bastard. I worked 12 hours yesterday (i'm only supposed to do 10) and have no idea why, although I guess it's all attributable to the driving involved. One of the areas I've been looking at is over 100 kilometres from the camp/office, and it's all dirt roads with varying speed limits and road conditions, so it usually ends up taking around 2 hours to get back from there... GAY!

I played hockey on the weekend as usual, and didn't get any trouble from my bruised ribs. Copped a slapshot in the heel in the first couple of minutes which hurt, but didn't stop me playing. I had a nasty looking bruise from it which I'll post at some point, but it's already gone which is surprising. It took like 4 days to come up and go away, which i think is pretty good considering how bad it was.

Oh well, back to the endless driving... or maybe lunch... hmmm, yes lunch is the way to go.


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