I don't know, I guess I'm just weird like that.
I'm in a strange place in my life right now, hard to describe, a sort of limbo, between where I want to be and the lower echelon of where I'll end up if I don't get my shit together. Not that I absolutely NEED to get my shit together, I've done alright so far without ever managing to really get my shit together, but by not getting it together, I'm sure to make things harder for myself.
Work is somewhat stressful at present, the age old work situation of far too much to do and oh so little time in which to do it. This is compounded by my postgraduate studies, which are the icing on an all too heavy cake.... apparently I'm studying full time, no wonder I'm feeling the pressure :(
Oh well.... she'll be right. I've managed to scrape through life thus far, the next two weeks shall be no exception. Shame I miss maja's bday party though :( That REALLY sucks!
Anyway, It's about time I posted a pic. Pretty sure I haven't posted this one yet, it's from the Pilbara, a bee flying to a flower quite rare where we were, the only one (although there were a whole bunch in a 50m square area) of its kind we'd seen in about 150km of driving in fact.

Next post I might put up my wholly unoriginal long exposures of the sydney opera house and sydney harbour bridge from my last trip over for uni.
Work is somewhat stressful at present, the age old work situation of far too much to do and oh so little time in which to do it. This is compounded by my postgraduate studies, which are the icing on an all too heavy cake.... apparently I'm studying full time, no wonder I'm feeling the pressure :(
Oh well.... she'll be right. I've managed to scrape through life thus far, the next two weeks shall be no exception. Shame I miss maja's bday party though :( That REALLY sucks!
Anyway, It's about time I posted a pic. Pretty sure I haven't posted this one yet, it's from the Pilbara, a bee flying to a flower quite rare where we were, the only one (although there were a whole bunch in a 50m square area) of its kind we'd seen in about 150km of driving in fact.

Next post I might put up my wholly unoriginal long exposures of the sydney opera house and sydney harbour bridge from my last trip over for uni.
I love that photo, it's SO good.
Dude, if anyone is in limbo, it's totally not you.
This shit you're talking about getting together, never actually really comes together.
Amazed that you've written a post. I just came here to get to the site for that personality test so Jason could have a go at it. I'll let you know what he gets! I'm going to take it again myself, just to be sure I got it right the first time. I can't remember what I answered the first time anyway.
Just for the record, I think you're doing fabulously right now. To quote couple of cliches, the point of life is to enjoy it and it's all about the journey.
Seeya soon!
I'm feeling your pain, Val.
I reckon we're doing OK though. Just gotta learn not to sweat the small stuff.
Take a day off - it'll do you some good!
Maja: Thanks, I like the photo also :) My life is indeed fabulous, but work is dominating my time (and dreams) way too much at the moment. When I'm in the field all will be well, only 1 job to worry about.
Rosie: Thanks, I did take a day off, was sick friday so spent the whole day in bed catching up on much missed sleep :)
Hello! I'm just doing some blog-hopping and stopped to drop a line to tell you that you have some really great photographs!
Your blog started off so funny til you got the dead goat. Gross. Reminded me of the Bimbigy days when people took home sheep skulls... don't know why they would want to keep that.
BTW great photography!
You have a great eye for detail.
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