Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Semi update

So here I am, sitting in leicester, England. I am 1 year and 1 day older than I was on my birthday last year.

So even though I've been to London and Vienna, Those photos are on my iPod and it's too hard to get them from brad's laptop which has some USB issues so i'll stick to my birthday, which really is the most important part of the trip :) Ignoring the fact that I'd forgotten my birthday was coming up before kristen reminded me a day or two before :)

So anyway, the day started with presents, brad got the awesome goonies shirt you can see me wearing below, and a special clerks dvd :) He also took me to see the pikies, or gypos as they call them. For those that don't know, they go and set up their caravans somewhere because the english don't have laws against it. It is hilarious (unlike english TV which is shit), so we got a photograph with their camp in the corner of a shopping centre car park. Wal-Mart no less, which is 24-hour, so at least they have convenient facilities :)

For further entertainment, we went well beyond Leicester, south, and stopped at Stonehenge, which was sweet. Here's Brad and I sitting like school children in front of it.

We stayed at a hotel in Southampton for the night, which was really cool. Here's brad and I at the bar downstairs.

Helen, sweetheart that she is, baked me a birthday cake. After our long day travelling through the English countryside, seeing some sights, some beer and some dinner, we really needed some cake. Here I am blowing out the candles :)

So yeah, my birthday was sweet, as was spending it with my best friend :D I need to repack and stuff so I can't blog any more. Going to Iceland tomorrow :)

I'll try to update again soon but as usual, make no promises.


Blogger sarah said...

happy belated birfday!

and yes, i got married. :o)

7/26/2006 09:17:00 am  
Blogger RosiePosie said...

Happy birthday!

8/07/2006 10:05:00 am  
Blogger Maja said...

Stonehenge looks lame

8/10/2006 11:58:00 pm  
Blogger Ms. Kimba said...

Hi Valdi..i see you have me on your link list under "what happened to kimberly"..well i married a swede and live in scandinavia now so...thats why i dissappeared...anyways happy belated bday!!

12/14/2006 04:14:00 am  
Blogger Valdi said...

Kimberley, you're alive. Awesome! Thanks for the belated birthday wishes. Glad you're keeping well :)

12/23/2006 10:08:00 am  

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