proper never!
Well, maybe just this once.
Normally I'd be in bed by now... not because I necessarily want to, more cause I somehow feel obliged to. Oh well. I'm up, enjoying some Nine inch Nails in 5.1, which I haven't done for a while, and really do enjoy.
I have plenty to update with, but will restrict myself for now. Mainly due to lack of photos of stuff... probably just as well, as I have been spending money quite frivolously, mostly just cause I can, and it's mostly useful stuff so it's probably not all that frivolous, but I just kinda like saying frivolous in regards to spending money cause it amuses me.... though not as much as my repetition of the word would suggest.... maybe I should have gone to bed :)
So... what have I been doing for the last 6 weeks? Well, I dug about 200 or more of these:

Excitement plus.
I also took this photo. There are some advantages to getting up at ungodly hours of the morning :)

There are similar photographic advantages to heading home at the very end of the day.

Big Dozer, a D10 to be semi-precise. Noisy bloody thing!

there would be more photos but blogger is a real prick to me when it come to posting photos and I can't get any more to load :( This is a good reason to go to sleep I think :)
Normally I'd be in bed by now... not because I necessarily want to, more cause I somehow feel obliged to. Oh well. I'm up, enjoying some Nine inch Nails in 5.1, which I haven't done for a while, and really do enjoy.
I have plenty to update with, but will restrict myself for now. Mainly due to lack of photos of stuff... probably just as well, as I have been spending money quite frivolously, mostly just cause I can, and it's mostly useful stuff so it's probably not all that frivolous, but I just kinda like saying frivolous in regards to spending money cause it amuses me.... though not as much as my repetition of the word would suggest.... maybe I should have gone to bed :)
So... what have I been doing for the last 6 weeks? Well, I dug about 200 or more of these:

Excitement plus.
I also took this photo. There are some advantages to getting up at ungodly hours of the morning :)

There are similar photographic advantages to heading home at the very end of the day.

Big Dozer, a D10 to be semi-precise. Noisy bloody thing!

there would be more photos but blogger is a real prick to me when it come to posting photos and I can't get any more to load :( This is a good reason to go to sleep I think :)
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