Saturday, June 10, 2006


I'm on break... yay :)

While my girlfriend slaves away in the kitchen cooking me pancakes I thought I'd write a quick post. I have to go shopping today, and being a boy, most of this shopping is functional. I need to buy a weight belt cause I'm probably going scuba diving tomorrow (I get a chill just thinking how cold it will be), and I'm going to buy a ladder so I can change the lightbulbs in my lounge. Normally changing lightbulbs isn't a problem for me, I'm 6'4" so I can generally do it without a ladder, or stool, or anything other than the floor. My lounge however is a different kettle of fish, I measure the distance from the floor to the roof this morning (to assist in making the right ladder purchase) and the distance from the floor to the beam the lights are attached to is 4.03m. This is just a little further than I can reach :) Sadly my camera is at work so there may not be photos to follow, but I'll see what I can do.

For now... pancakes and coffee await :)


Blogger Maja said...

Hey dude :)

6/11/2006 04:59:00 pm  
Blogger RosiePosie said...

You get home-made pancakes despite not knowing what kookai/MNG/capris are? Oh, you lucky lucky boy.

Good to see you posting again. Hope that ladder's coming in handy ;)

6/12/2006 03:01:00 pm  

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