I'm Back
Well, for 3 days anyway :( I'll add some posts in no particular order, and then that'll be it for a couple weeks till I get back from the bush again. Hope you're all well :)
Okay, lets see.... here are some pics from my recent trip to the bush. I was working hard the whole 12 days so there weren't too many photo opportunities, but I did manage to snap the odd non/semi work related pic :) Sadly most of my photos are of test pits, which are boring unless you care what the ground conditions are like, which I'm sure none of you do :)
Took this photo while waiting to meet up with someone. The clouds looked really cool that morning :)

Sunrise.... I've seen a lot of very cool sunrises while I've been away, and sunsets too. Sadly I don't have too many photos of them because I'm usually driving when I see them. There's nothing like heading to work, before dawn and driving into the rising sun and then going back to the camp just before sunset and driving into a setting sun. Lucky I took a good pair of sunnies with me :)

Bulldozer, a D10 to be specific. The blade is 4.8m wide! You'd be pretty darn skinny if that beast drove over you.

I realy like this shot. The only reason I saw the opportunity is because I was taking a piss, looked across and thought it'd make a good photo, so after zipping up I went and grabbed my camera :)
Okay, lets see.... here are some pics from my recent trip to the bush. I was working hard the whole 12 days so there weren't too many photo opportunities, but I did manage to snap the odd non/semi work related pic :) Sadly most of my photos are of test pits, which are boring unless you care what the ground conditions are like, which I'm sure none of you do :)
Took this photo while waiting to meet up with someone. The clouds looked really cool that morning :)

Sunrise.... I've seen a lot of very cool sunrises while I've been away, and sunsets too. Sadly I don't have too many photos of them because I'm usually driving when I see them. There's nothing like heading to work, before dawn and driving into the rising sun and then going back to the camp just before sunset and driving into a setting sun. Lucky I took a good pair of sunnies with me :)

Bulldozer, a D10 to be specific. The blade is 4.8m wide! You'd be pretty darn skinny if that beast drove over you.

I realy like this shot. The only reason I saw the opportunity is because I was taking a piss, looked across and thought it'd make a good photo, so after zipping up I went and grabbed my camera :)

That last shot is great :)
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