Artful Dodger
Well there isn't anything artful about it but I seem to have successfully dodged a cold. I've felt kind of ordinary last few days, but by actually keeping my fluids up and not drinking alcohol (except saturday night) I seem to have kept it at bay. Sweet.
Yeah so I haven't posted for a while. These things happen... I have an excuse :) You see.... I'm lazy :) Hahaha, but that's not the reason. I've finally gone and got myself a girlfriend... Yay me.
Now, an update on what I've been up to of late......
Commuting to and from work, an achievement given my previous hate of public transport :)

Surving the office life....barely. There be nasty paper cuts to be had in the office, i think I was safer out in the field.

Visiting my new's maja with him, ain't they cute :)

Cooking and eating tasty meals..... not on my own :)

Visiting my Grandma who's down from Iceland.... Hmmm, I should go vist her again.. bad grandson!

Photographing trapped mouse that some person up the road from my cousin's house caught. Amusingly just after this photo was taken the mouse made a run for it, successfully escaping to a nearby house. They were going to let it go in nearby bushland. Personally I would have killed it, but I guess I'm just mean.
well at least there would be more photos if blogger wasn't being a biatch!
Yeah so I haven't posted for a while. These things happen... I have an excuse :) You see.... I'm lazy :) Hahaha, but that's not the reason. I've finally gone and got myself a girlfriend... Yay me.
Now, an update on what I've been up to of late......
Commuting to and from work, an achievement given my previous hate of public transport :)

Surving the office life....barely. There be nasty paper cuts to be had in the office, i think I was safer out in the field.

Visiting my new's maja with him, ain't they cute :)

Cooking and eating tasty meals..... not on my own :)

Visiting my Grandma who's down from Iceland.... Hmmm, I should go vist her again.. bad grandson!

Photographing trapped mouse that some person up the road from my cousin's house caught. Amusingly just after this photo was taken the mouse made a run for it, successfully escaping to a nearby house. They were going to let it go in nearby bushland. Personally I would have killed it, but I guess I'm just mean.
well at least there would be more photos if blogger wasn't being a biatch!
I tried to dodge this cold. It didn't work.
That was really great Valdi - God you are a big boy now...
Amma was really rapped that you came by to visit - do it again - major points be won there...
That's one mean looking paper cut!
Corinna: Indeed, and not much of a cryer either which is always a bonus :)
CL: Water is the answer, plenty of it, worked wonders. Still felt like crap yesterday but I didn't have a runny/blocked nose at least.
Helen: I think she is, but she won't be truly happy till i'm married and give her some great grandchildren. I guess she'll just have to wait :)
Sigga: I don't really do things for points, but I will go see her anyway. I think there's going to be some wist and maja and jj's house one night.
Norton: Totally, i couldn't believe it!
I think I remember that too :)
Good pic of you and Amma :)
Where's da pic of da girlfriend???
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