Friday, November 11, 2005

And now for something completely different...

Well 2 weeks agao I went to my friend reece's birthday party.... it was themed, I hate themed parties, mainly because of the effort involved. I did have fun though, drank most of a bottle of Jack Daniels (amazingly this required less than 1.25 litres of coke) and managed to stay awake till 4:30 before falling asleep on a recliner. Anyway, i neglected/forgot to bring a camera, but luckily leish didn't :) Here are a couple of her photos. Oh yeah, I'm sure I didn't look quite this white... the flash just brings it out :)

Munkey and I. My eyes appear to have light projecting out of them in this photo.... I'm not entirely sure how that happened... it's not photoshopped.

munkey, me and reece

I just heard on the radio that "Commuters in South Africa sick of train delays have set fire to three trains in Johannesburg causing millions of dollars damage". I'm sorry, but how will this stop train delays???

anyway, a pic of a whole bunch of crew..

and lastly the photographer Leish and and I... oh, and bad boy bubby's cat :)

Sweet, now I should really have some breakfast and get ready for work... TFIF!


Blogger sarah said...

why do you look so white in ALL of these shots?

feeling peckish? or were you wearing make-up.. your lips appear darker than usual as well.

11/11/2005 01:17:00 pm  
Blogger geezer squeezer! said...

dude! who let the 'dumb choge' into the party??????
youre right,fancy dress/theme do's are a lot of effort just to get pissed.the only upside being that crumpet will sometimes wear revealing costumes,hence bosums win.

11/11/2005 03:41:00 pm  
Blogger Valdi said...

sarah: Makeup + flash = more white than in real life. I might not have bothered but I'm quite tanned now from my time in the field so I needed it.

Geezer: I really wonder about you sometimes dude, like seriously. There wasn't much bosum action going, it was quite a shame.

brad: The theme was things that would make brad feel dense. totally tfif, but now it is YIS

11/12/2005 09:39:00 am  
Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

You should have worn vampire fangs. Please.

11/12/2005 02:27:00 pm  
Blogger Valdi said...

They didn't fit :)

11/13/2005 08:07:00 am  
Blogger Maja said...

How did you get your eyes so red?

You know it's always tongue in cheek with Geezer.

11/13/2005 02:50:00 pm  
Blogger Valdi said...

well I didn't, they just were that red, weird hey, must be my inner devil coming out.

I used to think that, now I'm not so sure.

11/13/2005 07:34:00 pm  

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