how do you spell the noise made when you burp?
I can't say I've been getting enough sleep lately, and tonight will be no exception. I started going through some boxes of shit i brought from my parents house and trying to throw out and recycle everything I don't need. This was fairly successful in terms of throwing out and recycling stuff but I have not managed to finish the job. It is now an even bigger mess than before and I can't be bothered cleaning it up, and should in fact go to sleep but as I have been wandering the net leaving semi non sensical comments on peoples blogs I decided I should write another post for mine. Have I mentioned it's 1am and I will be attempting to get up at 6:30am in the morning? Hmmm, guess I'll be drinking coffee tomorrow... or today or whatever it is.
I got up late this morning. My alarm went off at 6:30am as usual, and I shose to stay in my cosy warm bed as usual, and after snoozing the alarm 3 or 4 times, turned it off, decided i'd get up in a second, and when I woke up an hour later I got up. Amazingly I still got to work by 9am. I poured myself some cereal after I got up, opened the fridge, and rememebered I needed to buy milk. I poured the cereal back into the container and went to work. I had a coffee, black (we don't have milk at work) with sugar for sustinence. Two coffees later it was lunch time. I didn't quite get around to getting lunch and then had to go to the freaking isolation induction.... where I had a coffee. I had 2 biscuits with my 2nd coffee, which was my first food for the day.
On the way home I went to the shop to buy milk. Apparently they don't sell real milk any more. There was only hi-lo or skim milk or other shit that is one of the former two with a different name. Hmmmm, maybe they moved it. I went to the other end of the shop where the cheese is. There wasn't any milk so I grabbed a packet of grated cheese. I'm assuming I might use this cheese for nachos if I decide to make them at some point. I went back to the milk section....there still wasn't any full cream milk....did I miss a meeting? I started thinking I should watch television, particularly the news, so I might know what the fuck was going on....I still don't know. I did find a couple 1-litre bottles of milk though, so I bought them and the cheese and left.
I cooked a steak for dinner, and had some chips with it. I was going to have vegies as well but decided I couldn't be bothered. This was the only real food I'd eaten today. I just ate a 200g box of BBQ shapes. I thought you might like to know.
I'm going to go to bed now as it seems like a good plan. As the photos in my last post weren't too exciting I thought I'd add some better ones...enjoy.
Probably my best (clearest) photo of Trent from the NIN concert.

Another shot I think is cool:

Here's a random pic from back in february of me and big fish I didn't catch myself, but did have some small part in landing.....maybe :) I could have told you I caught it, but that would be a lie :) I look a bit odd in this photo I think... not exactly sure why though.
I got up late this morning. My alarm went off at 6:30am as usual, and I shose to stay in my cosy warm bed as usual, and after snoozing the alarm 3 or 4 times, turned it off, decided i'd get up in a second, and when I woke up an hour later I got up. Amazingly I still got to work by 9am. I poured myself some cereal after I got up, opened the fridge, and rememebered I needed to buy milk. I poured the cereal back into the container and went to work. I had a coffee, black (we don't have milk at work) with sugar for sustinence. Two coffees later it was lunch time. I didn't quite get around to getting lunch and then had to go to the freaking isolation induction.... where I had a coffee. I had 2 biscuits with my 2nd coffee, which was my first food for the day.
On the way home I went to the shop to buy milk. Apparently they don't sell real milk any more. There was only hi-lo or skim milk or other shit that is one of the former two with a different name. Hmmmm, maybe they moved it. I went to the other end of the shop where the cheese is. There wasn't any milk so I grabbed a packet of grated cheese. I'm assuming I might use this cheese for nachos if I decide to make them at some point. I went back to the milk section....there still wasn't any full cream milk....did I miss a meeting? I started thinking I should watch television, particularly the news, so I might know what the fuck was going on....I still don't know. I did find a couple 1-litre bottles of milk though, so I bought them and the cheese and left.
I cooked a steak for dinner, and had some chips with it. I was going to have vegies as well but decided I couldn't be bothered. This was the only real food I'd eaten today. I just ate a 200g box of BBQ shapes. I thought you might like to know.
I'm going to go to bed now as it seems like a good plan. As the photos in my last post weren't too exciting I thought I'd add some better ones...enjoy.
Probably my best (clearest) photo of Trent from the NIN concert.

Another shot I think is cool:

Here's a random pic from back in february of me and big fish I didn't catch myself, but did have some small part in landing.....maybe :) I could have told you I caught it, but that would be a lie :) I look a bit odd in this photo I think... not exactly sure why though.

HEHEHE. Sleepyhead.
"don't-you-fuck-ing-know-what-you-are?" hehehe, NIN song which I now have in my head.
corinna: I got ready in less than 15 minutes today, I take forever to get out of bed, and usually allow half an hour for the process. I did well today, not, got to work at 10am. Oh well, my boss doesn't seem to care, he quite often comes in late as well. There have been times I thought I was pretty late, and half an hour later he rocks up :)
Cece: I was, and still kinda am :)
You look funny cause your body seems small in proportion to your arms and head. haha. Maybe you should just go to bed early.. make sleep the priority.. life is so much better when you get lots of sleep.
maybe it's just the excessive tan I had at the time :)
you're feeling a fish belly!
both are super bad ass shots of NIN in concert, i would like to have prints of them and am a bit jealous.
small venues are the best for concerts.
hehehe, it was a heavy fish :)
Would you like me to send the shots to you to print?
seriously??? that would be fucking awesome.
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