Monday, June 20, 2005

so funny it hurts

I'm watching Chappelle's Show, it's so funny it hurts. Why does it hurt? Well, I played hockey last night and right at the beginning of the game (superleague), managed to get hit rather hard into the shithouse Cockburn ice arena boards, which lack the perspec above the bottom half, and got a rib full of steel. I kept playing anyway, but didn't play as many shifts as I normally would. Had a Senior A game straight after, but Senior A is pretty easy so I was okay for that. Of course when I was getting changed I realised it really hurt to just bend over, and make sudden movements. Don't what I've done, maybe bruised my ribs or something. No bruise has come up yet which is odd, but I'll live :)

Got an email today which suggested I might be going back to weelamurra which is pretty cool... I think :) Not sure why it's cool though, I mean it is one of the better sites I've been to, but I'll be away from sweet home, just when I get my new couch to :(

Oh yeah, I get my new couch tomorrow... YAY, it's gonna be sweet. It took 10 weeks from when I bought it, which is a very long time, but it was suppossed to take 12 so I'm pretty stoked :)

I'm watching SBS news (one of the few news programs worth watching ) and Condoleeza Rice was just on. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so dependent on their pre written speech... I guess that's cause most people these days use auto cues. I think it's sad that politicians don't write their own speeches... I mean sure, the people that write the speeches for them are really good at it but it means that people are really being lied to, as their political leaders are just saying what someone else told them to. Hmmm, i'm starting to rant. I always get mad when I watch the news... our world is fucked!

Hmmm, i took some photos to post but I left my camera at work under the mountain of paper somewhere, oh well, wednesday maybe :)

Oh my fucking god, I can't believe what I just heard, some fuckwit anti whaling person just stated, and I quote "Japan doesn't own these whales, they belong to everybody." What a CUNT. They DON'T belong to ANYONE!

hmmm, i seem to write hmmm a lot.

Well that's enough ranting for right now... more later..


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