Friday, June 10, 2005

Everyone's a Geologist!

I'm currently away on a job, and have been for 9 days, as usual, in the sunny Pilbara. It hasn't been quite as sunny as usual, with a light rain a couple days and quite a chill in the air but for the most part the weather is quite nice :) Anyway, I'm here for a rail construction project helping them out of a bit of a dilemma whereby they haven't been able to get enough good material (borrow) to build the rail embankments. Today is fly out day so i'm happy, my work here is almost done, and will be done before I leave.... or else... I don't get to leave!

Anyway, one of the things I've managed to learn is that apparently everyone's a fucking geologist, and like to posture about what is and isn't good material, and then look at me as if to say, aren't I smart, I know what good material looks like. They are all of course, full of shit. I don't even know what's good material and I'm qualified to judge it, well, I actually do know, but you never really know till you get test results for the dirt, to see if it meets specifications. But yeah, everyone seems a little big for their boots up here, whinging about everyone else, patting themselves on the back, on the whole just doing what they can to avoid it being noticed that all in all, they don't do much.

I had to get this out, as I'm sick of all the bullshit posturing I see here. People keep telling me they've been doing this for somewhere between 10 and 40 years depending on the person, and that they know all, and have seen it all, so I'm really curious as to why if they know everything, they look to me to tell them what they want to know? Bunch of strange people I tell you.

Hmmm, I better go do something useful, and think of something entertaining to put in my next post... I think pictures will be the order of the day :)


Blogger geezer squeezer! said...

im not a geologist.but i should brilliant at everything.

6/19/2005 09:31:00 am  
Blogger Valdi said...

brad: yeah, i find it funny that you're a geologist :) I had a thought the other day too, you should consider going out on your own as a consultant when/if you come back to perth :)

jj: u...r...a....gaylord :)

6/19/2005 09:42:00 pm  

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